Mouth de Huérgano, Rimuela, the Arriestro, Oak matte sestil, Jollampo, Boca de Huérgano.
* Approximate duration of 2 to 2,30 hours.
* Degree of difficulty: under
Start our itinerary in "bajero" of the town of Boca de Huérgano, a few hundred metres of the HOTEL TIERRA DE LA REINA; There,to our right, start the Rimuela Canada, secular pastoral use road, both for the communal cattle herds of Merino transhumant that almost until the present, they passed through our region.
The way introduces us to Rimuela (Rivus molae: Mill River, which is only toponymic evidence), side Valley to the Esla carved by a stream of clear water. During our progression through the Valley (about half an hour) We go watching the meadows of the valley floor that reach up to where small waterworks to divert the flow of the stream that brings to the prado the necessary moisture and fertilizer limos, and to our left the presence of a strong oak wood that easily contemplate in flight over the Eagle enseñoreando are (early in the morning, the multisonoro gibberish of all birds)
After this first time to progression gentle climb the valley bifurcates into Y: left "Las Caspariellas" that we leave. We took the right road (a small water tank serves as a reference), and after a brief tour of a scalloped trucks broom road access to the recesses of the Valley: the Arriestro meadows.
In the next section and at appropriate times of the day is likely the presence of deer and deer; by same squirrels, Martens, weasels. Less likely, though possible, wild boar or why not? the elusive horizon of some of the last wolves.
Towards the middle of the pradería, to our right, we take an old communal road recently cleared and we get into the oak forest; the progression is still of low difficulty. We can see two wooded solutions: old copies of oak trees seem to give shelter to charred skeletons of others devastated by unhappy fire. Interspersed with them a multitude of young and vigorous shoots seem to sing the joyful psalmody of renewal of life: If we respect them, the future of the forest is insured
Now road veers strongly toward the South, to the right, taking the direction of the return: has been transformed into a "forest trail" of recent construction, accessible to the "all-terrain" and controversial convenience: each hiker will appreciate from multiple perspectives their usefulness or inconvenience.
In any case it leads us to one of the prominent places of our tour: the oak of the Mata Sestil, unique copy, solemn, prodigious, tree Totem of our region, made alive for centuries by the manure of sheep which sought the shelter of the sesteo under his shadow. Nearby a pastors fuentecilla supplements the shortage of its source with the extraordinary quality of the water that gives us. Inexcusable place of rest in our tour.
We continue the path that leads (We continue climbing without difficulty) a high country above the forest mass, place of intersection of all meetings of the communal flocks: Jollampo. Noting the breadth of the craggy horizons that from here we contemplate, We understand why. Behind us we leave the wounded mountain of fire of the Arriestro in the foothills of the Mura peak, to the left, the tormented geology of the highest peaks of the Cordillera: Peña Prieta, Curavacas, Espigüete, Murcia …; To the right the unreal crests of Peñas de Riaño (Yordas, the pints, Jilbo) mirrors on the surface of the reservoir doubling her beauty as if its waters would like to pay tribute in the form of beauty with desolation and pain that host buried. At the forefront of our visual perspective a small mount damaged countless times by fire and today the human hand attempting to recover through afforestation.
We follow the track to the south and taking off the jacket on its right we headed back, having reached the maximum height here to begin a gentle but continuous decline. As we move forward and bordered this mountain we discovered opposite the vigorous forest of Camaleño, favorite abode of the bear, whose traces or presence, all the locals have had occasion to contemplate.
Turn the road to the left and turns to the people for the place of "after church". Last stop on our walk to contemplate the beautiful and simple traces of Romanesque rural construction. (We must forgive the damage inflicted in his factory by the latest repairs, more laudable in good will than in success).
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